英翻中((希望不要用雅虎的翻譯~各位大大拜託了)))To some extent, CFCs have been replaced by the less damaging hydro-chloro-fluoro-carbons (HCFCs), although concerns remain regarding HCFCs also. In some applications, hydro-fluoro-carbons (HFCs) have been used to replace CFCs. HFCs, which contain no chlorine or bromine, do not contribute... 顯示更多 英翻中((希望不要用雅虎的翻譯~各位大大拜託了)))To some extent, CFCs have been replaced by the less damaging hydro-chloro-fluoro-carbons (HCFCs), although concerns remain regarding HCFCs also. In some applications, hydro-fluoro-carbons (HFCs) have been used to replace CFCs. HFCs, which contain no chlorine or bromine, do not contribute at all to ozone depletion although they are potent greenhouse gases. The best known of these compounds is probably HFC-134a (R-134a), which in the United States has largely replaced CFC-12 (R-12) in automobile air conditioners. Ozone Diplomacy, by Richard Benedick (Harvard University Press, 1991) gives a detailed account of the negotiation process that led to the Montreal Protocol. Pielke and Betsill provide an extensive review of early US government responses to the emerging science of ozone depletion by CFCs.
在某種程度上,氟氯碳化物已取代了由少損壞水電站-氯氟炭(氟氯烴) ,但仍然令人擔憂對於氟氯烴也。在某些應用中,水力發電氟炭的氟碳化物( HFC )已被用來取代氟氯化碳。氫氟碳化合物,其中含有無氯或溴,不助長了所有的臭氧耗損雖然他們是強力的溫室氣體。最出名的這些化合物可能是氟化烴-134 a (的R 134a的) ,這在美國已基本上取代氟氯化碳12點( R - 12 ) ,在汽車空調器。 臭氧外交,由理查德benedick (哈佛大學出版社, 1991年)給出了詳細交代談判過程中,導致蒙特利爾議定書。 pielke和betsill提供一個廣泛的檢討年初,美國政府的反應,以新興科學的臭氧耗損由氟氯化碳。
在某種程度上, CFCs 由較不殘損的hydro-chloro-fluoro-carbons (HCFCs替換了, 雖然依然擔心HCFCs 。 在一些應用, 與 (HCFCs) 被使用替換CFCs. HFCs, 不包含氯或溴, 不貢獻根本對臭氧取盡雖然他們是有力溫室氣體。 已知的化合物大概是HFC-134.a (R-134.a), 在美國主要替換了CFC-12 (R-12) 在汽車空調。 那導致蒙特利爾協議的臭氧外交, 由理查?Benedick (哈佛大學出版社1991) 給交涉過程明細帳。Pielke 和Betsill 提供早期美國政府反應廣泛的回顧對臭氧取盡湧現的科學的由CFCs 。