oxide 同 dioxide既問題...(Chem)
我想問下點解oxygen 同一 d element(例如: copper) combine左之後 個名係 oxide(例如: copper(II)oxide) 但係好似 carbon dioxide 咁...都係carbon + oxygen 但係個compound個名係dioxide...
Copper(II) oxide is a metal oxide, which is an ionic oxide. To name a metal oxide, the metal ion is named the same as its metal element, and the oxide ion is named as "oxide". It is not necessary to consider the number of ions in the chemical formula. For example, Na2O is named as sodium oxide, and Al2O3 is named as aluminium oxide. Most transition metals can form more than one metal oxide. To name such a metal oxide, write a Roman numerical number inside a bracket following the name the metal ion to represent the positive charge (oxidation number) of the metal. For example, copper can form CuO and Cu2-O. CuO (Cu2+ and O2-) is named as copper(II) oxide and Cu2O (Cu+ and O2-) is named as copper(I) oxide. Carbon dioxide is a non-metal oxide, which is a covalent oxide. Most non-metals can form more than one non-metal oxide. To name such a non-metal oxide, write a prefix "mon(o)-" to represent "1" in the formula, "di-" to represent "2", "tri-" to represent "3", etc. For example, carbon forms CO and CO2. CO is named as carbon monoxide, and CO2 is named as carbon dioxide. =
oxide係氧化物(只帶氧原子) dioxide係二氧化物(碳+氧原子) oxide係氧化物(只含氧既化合物) oxygen+copper combine左之後係氧化銅..英文係copper(II)oxide 因為冇碳原子..so 係oxide dioxide係二氧化物(含碳原子+氧原子既化合物) 2個碳原子 + 1個氧子 C+O2→CO2(即係二氧化碳carbon dioxide) 再舉多個例.. chloride氯化物(含氯原子既化合物) Sodium chloride..氯化鈉 以上舉出都一定係固體.. 順帶一提,多過兩種原子以上組成既係混化物 好似空氣咁..由好多唔同既原子組成(eg.氧,氮,貴氣體等等)|||||+左oxide表示已被氧化左 而dioxide中的"di"指2個的意思, ja係話隻element要用2個O先被完整氧化