



要clean(noun)的英文解釋 (全英!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 更新: 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


clean KK: [] PyDict 幹淨的,清白的,巧妙的 清潔地,完全地 清理,使幹淨 回頁首 clean DJ: [] 簡明英漢詞典 清洁的, 乾淨的, 清白的 打掃, 使乾淨, 清掃 回頁首 clean DJ: [] 現代英漢綜合大辭典 清洁的, 乾淨的, 整洁的, 整?的 清白的, 純洁的, 不淫猥的 光明正大的, 正直的 底的, 十足的, 完全的 技朮熟練的, 巧妙的, 高明的 新的, 沒用過的, 雜質的, 未污染的, 瑕疵的 勻稱的, 美好的, 端正的 ?美俚? 分文沒有的, ?袖清?的; 不作弊的; 不私藏槍枝?毒品?的; (船艙等)已卸空的; 未載貨的 沒有疾病的, [俚]沒有麻醉毒癮的 (爆炸時)(或很少)放射性灰塵的 (?肉等)可供食用的 (田?)不?雜草及其它野生植物的 (稿子等)?改而且容易讀的 未遇到意外困難的 a clean dress 清洁的衣服 clean hands 清洁的手; 清白 a clean heart 純洁的心 make a clean sweep of 底掃除, 掃盡 a clean boxer 技朮熟練的拳擊手 a ship with clean lines 造型优美的船 a clean bomb 不產生放射塵埃的原子彈、氫彈 Wash it clean. 把它洗乾淨。 You must lead a clean life. 你必須過純洁的生活。 C-timber has no knots in it. 光洁的木料沒有節疤。 A sharp knife makes a clean cut. 快刀切得乾淨利落。 be cleaned out把錢花光; ?光 cut clean through穿透 give it a clean[口]把它弄乾淨 keep it clean[俚]守規矩, 正派 keep oneself clean保持自身清洁 clean away清除; 擦去 clean off清除; 擦去 (be) clean bowled[俚]被打得大敗 clean down打掃乾淨; 喝乾 clean gone影 clean up收拾乾淨, 清洁; 肅清; 除清; 除掉; 清理, 淨化做完, 完成 clean up on擊敗..., 胜過... 相關詞: clean, cleanse clean 系常用詞, 指“用各种方式將污垢、臟物等清除掉”, 如:clean the window 擦窗子。cleanse指“使純淨”、“清洗”, 尤指“用清除劑或其他方法使清洁”, 也用於比喻中, 如:cleanse the air in cities 將城市中的空气淨化。 相關詞:soil, dirty hope i can help u





clean - 15 dictionary results adjective, -er, -est, adverb, -er, -est, verb –adjective 1. free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained: She bathed and put on a clean dress. 2. free from foreign or extraneous matter: clean sand. 3. free from pollution; unadulterated; pure: clean air; clean water. 4. habitually free of dirt: Cats are considered clean animals. 5. characterized by a fresh, wholesome quality: the clean smell of pine. 6. free from all writing or marking: a clean sheet of paper. 7. having few or no corrections; easily readable: The publisher demanded clean proofs from the printer. 8. free from roughness or irregularity: He made a clean cut with a razor. 9. not ornate; gracefully spare; forceful and simple; trim; streamlined: a clean literary style; the clean lines of a ship. 10. complete; unqualified: a clean break with tradition.|||||Is mean someting is not dirty. Or is mean some people can listen very well what after people say.

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