在雅虎奇電影裡 (曼哈頓奇緣)的電影預告裡 花絮-浪漫愛情篇,快要結束的時候有出現一首插曲 我想知道這是誰唱的,以及歌名,拜托了 http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/movieinfo_main.html/id=2299
歌手(Artist):Carrie Underwood 凱莉安德伍 歌名(Song) :Ever Ever After 從此之後 專輯(Album):Enchanted soundtrack 曼哈頓奇緣電影原聲帶 圖片參考:http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5188EvhJG5L._SS500_.jpg 年份(Year):2007.11 歌詞(Lyrics): Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true Deep down inside we want to believe they still do And a secret is taught, it's our favourite part of the story Let's just admit we all want to make it too Ever ever after If we just don't get it our own way Ever ever after It may only be a wish away Starting your fashion, wear your heart on your sleeve Sometimes you reach what's real just by making believe Unafraid, unashamed There is joy to be claimed in this world You even might wind up being glad to be you Ever ever after Though the world will tell you it's not smart Ever ever after The world can be yours if you let your heart Believe in ever after No wonder your heart feels it's flying Your head feels it's spinning Each happy ending's a brand new beginning Let yourself be enchanted, you just might break through To ever ever after Forever could even start today Ever ever after Maybe it's just one wish away Your ever ever after Ever ever ever after 2008-02-07 23:03:16 補充: http://www.g-music.com.tw/GMusicProduct.aspx?ProductID=0828767119724 2008-02-07 23:24:07 補充: 抱歉年份打錯了,應該是2008年2月7日