Kiehl's 分店
邊度有Kiehl's 分店?
Kiehl's Hong Kong Harbour City Store (尖沙咀海港城) Shop G204, Gateway Arcade Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Hong Kong, 852 2376 2921 Monday - Sunday 11 am - 9 pm Kiehl's Hong Kong Russell Street Store (銅鑼灣羅素街--時代廣場對面) G/F, 28 Russell Street Causeway Bay Hong Kong, 852 2591 0117 Monday - Sunday 11 am - 10pm Kiehl’s Hong Kong Festival Walk Store (九龍塘又一城) UG-36, Festival Walk Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong, 852 2319 2018 Monday - Sunday 10:30 am - 9:30 pm Kiehl's Hong Kong International Airport Store (機場) E35, Level 6, East Hall, Passenger Terminal Building Hong Kong International Airport Hong Kong, 852 2261 0482 Kiehl's Hong Kong Landmark Store (中環置地廣場) B25, The Landmark, Central Hong Kong, 852 2869 1798 Monday - Saturday 10:30 am - 8 pm Sunday (and Public Holidays) 11 am - 7 pm Pacific Place Seibu (金鐘太古廣場西武) Level 1 Pacific Place 88 Queensway Hong Kong, 852-2918-4168 Monday - Wednesday 10:30 am - 8 pm Thursday - Saturday 10:30 am - 9 pm
fashion walk|||||1.Kiehl's Hong Kong Harbour City Store Shop G204, Gateway Arcade Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Hong Kong, 852 2376 2921 Monday - Sunday 11 am - 9 pm 2. Kiehl's Hong Kong Russell Street Store G/F, 28 Russell Street Causeway Bay Hong Kong, 852 2591 0117 Monday - Sunday 11 am - 10pm 3. Kiehl’s Hong Kong Festival Walk Store UG-36, Festival Walk Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong, 852 2319 2018 Monday - Sunday 10:30 am - 9:30 pm 4.Kiehl's Hong Kong International Airport Store E35, Level 6, East Hall, Passenger Terminal Building Hong Kong International Airport Hong Kong, 852 2261 0482 5.Kiehl's Hong Kong Landmark Store B25, The Landmark, Central Hong Kong, 852 2869 1798 Monday - Saturday 10:30 am - 8 pm Sunday (and Public Holidays) 11 am - 7 pm 6. Pacific Place Seibu Level 1 Pacific Place 88 Queensway Hong Kong, 852-2918-4168 Monday - Wednesday 10:30 am - 8 pm Thursday - Saturday 10:30 am - 9 pm|||||又一城 時代廣場對面