我係三月就會去cupertino讀英文班..之後就會入讀de anza college1.其實de anza college又係一間點既cc?因為我係agent介紹..佢就一定會sell我入..但我想聽真正有關呢間學校既校風同埋想知如果兩年後想入返好少少既大學會唔會好難?!2.而且我想問cupertino係一個點樣既地方??人呀..溫度..環境會係點?果度危唔危險?3.我只係去留學..又應唔應該買車?考車又難唔難?我只得17歲..英文又唔係好好..可唔可以搵到part... 顯示更多 我係三月就會去cupertino讀英文班.. 之後就會入讀de anza college 1.其實de anza college又係一間點既cc? 因為我係agent介紹..佢就一定會sell我入.. 但我想聽真正有關呢間學校既校風 同埋想知如果兩年後想入返好少少既大學會唔會好難?! 2.而且我想問cupertino係一個點樣既地方?? 人呀..溫度..環境會係點? 果度危唔危險? 3.我只係去留學..又應唔應該買車? 考車又難唔難? 我只得17歲..英文又唔係好好.. 可唔可以搵到part time做?! 4.同埋我係一個唔會主動識朋友既人.. 而且面對唔識既人我都唔會出聲.. 咁樣既話會唔會好難識朋友同埋習慣生活? 更新: 要入UCLA或UCB的話..GPA要幾高? 係DE ANZA讀書難唔難呀其實??
1) DE ANZA 係一間..超多ASIAN既CC 轉學率好高..所以好多人都鐘意去..佢好聽D可以話係CC中既名校=W= 我果陣都係搵AGENT..黎LEE邊讀既.. 2年轉走~一D都唔難 不過都要睇你想去邊間..UCLA,UCB果D..噤就緊係要再好D啦.. UCSD/UCD/UCSB果D..GPA3.0只要GPA3.0就得了-W- 去CSU..仲EASY~ 2)CUPERTINO又係一個華人超多既地方..好方便.. 有中國SUPERMARKET~買野食野..咩都有 安全呢? 緊係安全..因為LEE邊地價貴..學區好=W= 天氣呢..北加既天氣..都幾舒服..係就會乾左D.. 最近都幾凍..但係你3月黎..應該會暖番D.. 信我=W=黎耐左..你就會好似我噤..番HK..就會唔習慣..XDD都係覺得LEE邊好.. 3)你可以唔洗噤快買車住.. 住呢..搵學校附近既地方住先.. 學車就好EASY..英文好唔好唔會一個問題 筆試你仲可以用中文考架=W= 路試呢...你應聽LEFT, RIGHT, BACK果D就OK哂= = 你到左DE ANZA可以申請SSN 搵ON CAMPUS既JOB.. 好似BOOKSTORE噤=W= 4)識朋友就慢慢黎啦.. 我當初都係好自閉既人= = LEE邊朋友選擇多左好多.. 中國, 外國, 台灣, 日本,韓國, 東南亞, HK 你上ESL果陣..係最易識到朋友架=W= 總之有咩唔明就再問我~我E家就係O向DE ANZA~ 住CUPERTINO~ 可以EMAIL比我=W= 2009-02-11 03:40:08 補充: For UCLA and UCB u must have at least GPA3.9
1. De Anza College is another (public) community college. Its famous is due to a lot of international students start there (agent referal) and get transferred to a good school. That's why it is so famous. (Transferring to a good school really depends on yourself, but not the college.) 2. Imagine Los Angeles, but cooler and have a better environment (around 17-22 C). People are friendly and extremely rich (In this case, cost of living is more expensive). And it is famous because Apple's headquarter is in Cupertino. 3. It is a matter of time. In Cupertino, public transportation is not that good. If you want to go somewhere else, you need a car sooner or later. Getting the license is easy (Again, money matters). All international student are prohibited from working except some special situation. You will know later after you start in De Anza. 4. Look at this way. You will going to have an orientation for international students (mostly Hong Kong and Taiwanese). Try from there. There are the newbie, and also your only ally for the first year.