NY: USD1 / SFR 2.5000-20 ZURICH: GBP1 / SFR 3.2300-30 LONDON: GBP 1 /USD 1.3450-70 我想問 20,30,70 個D代表咩? If, GBP/USD 1.6096/05 , USD/EUR 0.8231/38, then GBP/EUR 1/ ? 唔識計~ 更新: 《經濟通通訊社2日專訊》中國外匯交易中心今日人民幣兌一美元 於競價系統5︰30pm的買賣價報6﹒8535╱541。 即期詢價系統人民幣兌一美元於5︰30pm的買賣價報6﹒8530╱535。(fa) 541,535個d點解??
我想問 20,30,70 個D代表咩: On the left hand quote, for example: 1 USD/SFR of 2.5000 means the financial institution is willing to buy USD and sell SFT at 2.5000. On the other hand of USD1 / SFR 2.5020, the financial institution is willing to sell USD and sell SFT at 2.5020. NY: USD1 / SFR 2.5000-20 means 2.5000/2.5020, ZURICH: GBP1 / SFR 3.2300/3.2330 and LONDON: GBP 1 /USD 1.3450-70 means LONDON: GBP 1 /USD 1.3450-70 1.3450/1.3470. If, GBP/USD 1.6096/05 , USD/EUR 0.8231/38, then GBP/EUR 1/ => 1 GBP = 1.6096 USD while 1 USD = 0.8231 EUR, hence, 1 GBP=1.6096*0.8231 = 1.3249 EUR, conversely, 1 EUR=1/1.3249=0.7548 GBP.人民幣兌一美元 於競價系統5︰30pm的買賣價報6﹒8535╱6.8541。
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