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A man aged 50 was found fainted and was rushed to hospital. He had chest pain, shortness of breath when climbing stairs. His heart rate was 100 per minute. Blood pressure was 180/100. He needs to eat frequently but always in small amount, otherwise, he is likely to feel dizzy.He was difficult to bowel opening as... 顯示更多 A man aged 50 was found fainted and was rushed to hospital. He had chest pain, shortness of breath when climbing stairs. His heart rate was 100 per minute. Blood pressure was 180/100. He needs to eat frequently but always in small amount, otherwise, he is likely to feel dizzy.He was difficult to bowel opening as well. Thanks a lot. Fact to know? What disease(s) he might have got? Justify your answers. In long term, apart from taking medicine, what recommendations you should give him?
Fact to know? found fainted, chest pain & shortness of breath when climbing stairs heart rate 100 per minute, BP was 180/100, He needs to eat frequently but always in small amount, otherwise, he is likely to feel dizzy . difficult to bowel opening. What disease(s) he might have got? LOC(lost of consciousness) hypertension (problem) ?hypoglycemia due to DM ?constipation ?angina (?CHF ?ACS) Justify your answers. 'found fainted': LOC. BP on high side : poor BP control. HT, SOB and mildly elevated HR: ? due to climbing stairs, but in this case it associated with chest pain: ?poor cardiac perfusion, ? heart disease. patient need to needs to eat frequently but always in small amount otherwise he is likely to feel dizzy: dizziness associated with unstable blood sugar level, ? DM with poor DM control. difficult to bowel opening: constipation. if feel chest pain when BO, heart problem would be the most concern. as LOC may be due to HT/heart problem or hypoglycemia in this case, further assessment should be done on this two problem. In long term, apart from taking medicine, what recommendations you should give him? for HT: check BP regularly, look out sign & symptom of hypertension (headache, blur vision) or hypotension (dizziness, postural hypotension) if on anti hypertension drug for chest pain and SOB when exercising: decrease exercise level, rest if chest pain or SOB, education on TNG and puff if needed, and he should go to see doctor if chest pain or SOB no subside after rest. for ?poor DM control: look out sign & symptom of hypoglycemia (dizziness, feel hungry, sweating) and management (sugar cube or candy), regular H'stix for blood sugar monitoring (especially those patient on insulin), DM drug and diet education. for constipation: increase fiber intake by vegetable and fruit, drink adequate water, regular time to go to toilet. for history of LOC: look up for history of seizure, and take anti convulsion medication in time, if any. 2008-09-12 23:23:27 補充: 以下係我對依個case(唔係question)既睇法 首先要搵出佢而家有冇chest pain…… 同埋佢爬梯chest pain+SOB/?DM係唔係同佢fainted有關 佢ankle有冇腫個chest同heart有咩聲 會唔會有fluid overload(可以同佢照張chest XRay) 可以同佢做張ECG同埋篤個手指…… 仲有SaO2睇下有冇需要比O2…… 睇番佢食咩藥有咩底去開邊覆診 另外fainted即係暈過啦 有冇目擊証人見到佢有冇反眼有冇抽筋…… 有冇injury…… 有需要仲可以同佢做個CT Brain…… 依條問題問唔係比咩藥而係俾咩recommendations 似係nursing題目喎…
請問問者是否真的會專重問題? 而且想解決你想問的問題? 如是, 請先詳讀我的資料 尤其是我的最愛的分類 因為我會將我所答過的問題劃分至我的最愛的三類以供其他人詳閱 若你是看過我的答題後能真的明白自己的理解能力, 不只以自己喜好而判定答案是否真確和會確實跟進問題進而選出最佳答案 那你便email我, 我必會每日全力的跟進你的問題直至你滿意為止 2008-09-10 07:07:38 補充: 初部意見: 基本上佢可能有心病 但係亦只不過係高血壓 係醫院會做既係... 而調理法係...|||||chest pain, shortness of breath when climbing stairs. His heart rate was 100 per minute. It is very normal, when climbing staris, the blood pressure will getting high. He needs to eat frequently but always in small amount, otherwise, he is likely to feel dizzy. He seems that his sugar is tend to be lower, if he feels dizziness, he can eat a piece of candy. difficult to bowel, he need to drink more water, eat more health foods with high fibre, vegetables, and fruits. Do some slightly exercises as well. For long terms, first he need to regular check his blood pressure, and sugar level and make sure he has a balance diets.|||||he got high blood pressure. He got a bad stomach too chest pain.. heart attach is come soon