ACCA total 考幾多科?
我想問total acca 要考幾多科?
要考14科, 詳情參考下面資料, 摘錄自www.accaglobal.com In order to qualify as an ACCA member, you will complete: 14 exams (nine of which are eligible for exemption) relevant practical experience, with a minimum of three years a Professional Ethics module. You will need to complete 14 papers in total. A maximum of nine papers in the Fundamentals level are available for exemption. FUNDAMENTALS (nine papers in total) Knowledge F1 Accountant in Business (AB) F2 Management Accounting (MA) F3 Financial Accounting (FA) Skills F4 Corporate and Business Law (CL) F5 Performance Management (PM) F6 Taxation (TX) F7 Financial Reporting (FR) F8 Audit and Assurance (AA) F9 Financial Management (FM) PROFESSIONAL (five papers in total) Essentials P1 Professional Accountant (PA) P2 Corporate Reporting (CR) P3 Business Analysis (BA) Options (two to be completed) P4 Advanced Financial Management (AFM) P5 Advanced Performance Management (APM) P6 Advanced Taxation (ATX) P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)