"E.&O.E"「如有錯漏,不在此限」意思是什麼? 大家可以比一個最詳盡既解釋比我嗎?我次次收到單都唔知佢點解會有呢個.
errors and omissions excepted (E & OE) 如有錯漏 不在此限 E & OE 通常是印在 INVOICE 發票的底部, 最主要是保障賣方!!! 即係話,若在發票上有任何出錯,賣方仍有權作出修改。 2007-04-03 22:17:30 補充: E&OE is an initialism standing for errors and omissions excepted. The phrase is used in an attempt to reduce legal liability for incorrect or incomplete information supplied in a contractually related document such as a price list, quotation or specification. 2007-04-03 22:17:42 補充: It is often applied as a disclaimer in situations in which the information to which it is applied is relatively fast moving. In legal terms, it seeks to make a statement that information cannot be relied upon, or may have changed by the time of use. 2007-04-03 22:17:57 補充: E&OE is most commonly used in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and is less frequently used in other English speaking countries.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E&OE 2007-04-03 22:18:38 補充: 發票上印有「E. & O.E.」字樣,中文為「如有錯漏祈為指正」;陸谷孫《英漢大詞典》譯為「錯漏不在此限」;網上「商業用語中英索引」譯為「如有錯漏,另行更正」。
如果發票上有任何錯漏, 賣方依然保留權利作出更正