



what is 波子跑車?




即係保時捷,英文係Porsche," 波子"係佢既俗稱黎... 為了踐履「造型完美時,性能就會伴隨而至」的純種跑車」造車工藝精神,費迪南.保時捷於五十五歲時離開了福斯,自立門戶,卻因此而造就了跑車的不朽巨人──保時捷。 名指揮家卡拉揚,喜形於色地握著方向盤,輕踩油門,一眨眼功夫,已和鍾愛的保時捷959,消失在無速限高速公路的盡路,於黑森林間如飛般穿梭。 無懈可擊的造車工藝 一九三○年十二月十六日,以專業設計引擎、汽車、航空器、船舶,涵蓋三度空間的「保時捷設計股份有限公司」的正式成立,領銜的「名譽機械工程博士費迪南.保時捷」,正是曾經設計製造「亨利王子」(一九一○年)、「沙卡」(一九二二年)及賓士S、SS等大放異彩車款「純種跑車之父」──保時捷。 當時已五十五歲的保時捷,之所以要獨立門戶,自己來造車,就是要踐履「造型完美時,性能就會伴隨而至」的「純種跑車」造車工藝精神。保時捷強調,與量產車共用底盤、懸吊,甚至引擎的「跑車」(Sports Car)只是形似,而絕對不能與純種跑車相提並論。 保時捷認定的純種跑車,每一款車,每一個零配件,即使是一枚螺絲,都是以賽車的標準來設計、製造的就是在極端的情境中奔馳,仍能確保其功能及耐用性。而在修正改變時,絕不為改變而改變,必須能變得更好、更美、更經得起考驗時,就果斷的變。 這個擇善固執的造車哲學,演繹成無懈可擊的造車工藝,使得保時捷贏得「黑森林中的精靈」、「車壇的一錠純金」等令譽,而這一切的美名在費迪南與費利父子的攜手奮進下,於一九四八年綻放第一朵奇葩──保時捷356跑車,就是這輛精巧而強勁的跑車,在一九五四年至一九五六年的三年間,而保時捷奪下四百多項錦標,在世界車壇上,替保時捷父子升起「純種跑車之王的不朽光環。」 而值得一提的,是這輛極速達一百四十五公里的跑車,是在奧地利格蒙鎮山區,保時捷父子所擁有的一座鋸木廠中,一鎚一鎚的手工打造出來的。而生產了五十輛356跑車之後,費利決定將公司遷回司徒加特,在盟軍轟炸後的廢墟中,重建保時捷純種跑車王國。 保時捷的中興明主~費利˙保時捷。 超級勁車的盾形烙印 對保時捷車迷,甚至專精於製造跑車的同業來說,一九五一年一月卅日,都是一個特別值得哀悼的日子──費迪南.保時捷博士放下了他堅「持」了七十六個寒暑的方向盤,安息在曾經頒贈他兩個名譽博士學位的司徒加特。 強忍喪父巨慟的費利.保時捷,將父親歸葬於奧地利的故鄉Zell Am See,即全力投入公司的經營,同年六月,首度參加當時車界「耐力指標」的法國利曼二十四小時大賽,披掛上陣的365贏得一.一公升級冠軍,而總排名第二十,接著而來的是一長串奪標、茁壯、勝利、再勝利的光輝時日。 費利於一九五二年發明同步契合齒輪箱,大幅提高了跑車的性能及行車穩定性,全世界的車廠都向保時捷交付專利費,以取得這項發明的使用權。次年,一.五公升的賽車550 Spyder在巴黎車展上,搶盡了風采。出了展示場又拿下當年墨西哥泛美越野大賽(CARRERA PANAMERICANA MEXICO)的冠軍,及利曼大賽一.五公升的王座。 難得的雙喜臨門,激發了費利設計保時捷「盾形」標誌的雄心壯志,他將保時捷公司所在地的司徒加特市名及市徽──黑色躍馬,立在中央,以「保時捷」橫寫字樣為盾冠,金黃色的背景上,串鑲著巴登佛登堡的洲徽,與其相對稱的,則是黑、紅、黃相間的德國國旗原色。這枚讓人血脈賁張的盾形標誌,配置在保時捷跑車前,出現在各式媒體上,流傳於車迷的口耳間,成為超級勁車的「烙印」。


It's full name is called Porsche: The first Porsche, the Porsche 64 of 1938, used many components from the Volkswagen Beetle. The second Porsche model and first production automobile, the Porsche 356 sports car of 1948, was built initially in Gmünd, Austria, the location to which the company was evacuated during war times, but after building forty-nine cars the company relocated to Zuffenhausen. Many regard the 356 as the first Porsche simply because it was the first model sold by the fledgling company. Ferdinand Porsche worked with his son, Ferry Porsche, in designing the 356. Not long afterwards, on January 30, 1951, Ferdinand Porsche died from complications following a stroke. The 356 automobile used components from the Beetle including its engine, gearbox, and suspension. The 356, however, had several evolutionary stages, A, B, and C, while in production and many VW parts were replaced by Porsche-made parts. The last 356s were powered by entirely Porsche-designed engines. The sleek bodywork was designed by Erwin Komenda who also had designed the body of the Beetle. Porsche's signature designs have, from the beginning, featured air-cooled rear-engine configurations (like the Beetle), rare for other car manufacturers, but producing automobiles that are very well balanced. In 1963, after some success in motor-racing, namely with the Porsche 550 Spyder, the company launched the Porsche 911 another air-cooled, rear-engined sports car, this time with a 6-cylinder "boxer" engine. The team to lay out the body shell design was led by Ferry Porsche's eldest son, Ferdinand Alexander Porsche (F. A.). The design phase for the 911 caused internal problems with Erwin Komenda who led the body design department until then. F. A. Porsche complained Komenda made changes to the design not being approved by him. Company leader Ferry Porsche took his son's drawings to neighbouring body shell manufacturer Reuter bringing the design to the 1963 state. Reuter's workshop was later acquired by Porsche (so-called Werk II). Afterward Reuter became a seat manufacturer, today known as Keiper-Recaro. The design group gave sequential numbers to every project (356, 550, etc) but the designated 901 nomenclature contravened Peugeot's commercial rights on all 'x0x' names, so it was adjusted to 911. Racing models adhered to the "correct" numbering sequence: 904 906, 908. The 911 has become Porsche's most well-known model, successful on the race-track, in rallies, and in terms of sales. Far more than any other model, the Porsche brand is defined by the 911. It remains in production; however, after several generations of revision, current-model 911s share only the basic mechanical concept of a rear-engined, six-cylinder coupe, and basic styling cues with the original car. A cost-reduced model with the same body, but 356-derived running gear (including its four-cylinder engine), was sold as the 912. In 1972 the company's legal form was changed from limited partnership to public limited company (German AG), because Ferry Porsche and his sister, Louise Pi?ch, felt their generation members did not team up well. This led to the foundation of an executive board whose members came from outside the Porsche family, and a supervisory board consisting mostly of family members. With this change, no family members were in operational charge of the company. F. A. Porsche founded his own design company, Porsche Design, which is renowned for exclusive sunglasses, watches, furniture, and many other luxury articles. Ferdinand Pi?ch, who was responsible for mechanical development of Porsche's serial and racing cars, formed his own engineering bureau and developed a 5-cylinder-inline diesel engine for Mercedes-Benz. A short time later he moved to Audi and pursued his career through the entire company, up to and including, the Volkswagen Group boards.......|||||波子 = 保時捷|||||波子就是Porsche咯|||||即是porsche,保時捷的俗稱,德國車。|||||波子 = 保時捷 保时捷(Porsche,全稱Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG FWB:POR3)是德国的汽车品牌,其总部位于斯图加特市,由費迪南·保時捷(Ferdinand Porsche)創辦,以生产高价的顶尖跑车而闻名,现在也涉及到越野车领域。費迪南·保時捷同時亦是大眾汽車的第一部產品的設計工程師。 历史 真正意义上的第一辆保时捷品牌的汽车是其在1948年推出的356跑车。这款车的4缸发动机原本是大众公司的产品,有1131毫升的排量,26千瓦的功率,再后来使用了下吸气式化油器,使功率提升到30千瓦,这款车的倒扣浴缸式设计使其有了比较好的空气动力性,最终这辆车的速度可以达到140千米/小时。 而让保时捷在赛车领域初露锋芒的则是其经典的550赛车,这辆车只有550千克的重量和出众的外观设计,使其在1953年推出之时便得到了车迷的一致推崇,并在世界各地的比赛中取得了很好的成绩,并一直维持到1960年代。在勒芒(le mans)的赛道上保时捷是勿庸置疑的王者,1970年-2003年的33年中,保时捷共夺取16次冠军,包括1981年-1987年的七连冠。daytona房车赛自62年出世,一直到1990年代才有福特等车队挑战保时捷的霸主地位。1966年daytona改为24小时耐力赛,保时捷在1968年-1991年间18次捧杯,包括1977年-1987年的10连冠。

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